October and November are Senior Pet Care Months at Acadia
At Acadia Veterinary Hospital, we’re committed to helping owners enrich the lives of their pets. Senior pets can live a longer, healthier and more active life by eating right and catching diseases while they are still manageable.
Did you know? Pets age about seven years of every human year – we at Acadia are here to support them through all their life stages!
Senior Pet Care Plan:
Nutrition — As pets age they have different nutritional needs, such as fewer calories. Call us today to schedule your free nutritional consultation.
Blood Testing — An important preventative health care tool is to have your pet’s blood screen done regularly. This checks for hidden illness and provides a baseline that we can compare to future tests.
Free Education Seminar – Dr Beth Martin and Dr Paul Boutet will be hosting a bilingual Senior Education Seminar on Thursday October 23rd from 7pm to 8pm. Light refreshments will be offered and we will also be drawing for a door prize. Give us a call today at 506-384-4838 or email us at: info@acadiavet.ca to RSVP!
Contact us today for more information on how we can help you keep your senior pet healthy.