Halloween can be a fun time of year; however it may be a bit overwhelming for some of our four-legged friends. Here are some tips and suggestions to help your pet have a safe and Happy Halloween 🙂
– Keep pets indoors on Halloween. With so many tricksters out on the prowl, it is probably the safest choice to simply keep your pets indoors in order to keep them out of harm’s way.
– Though it may be adorable, not all pets enjoy wearing costumes. If your pet seems uncomfortable, it may be best to avoid the holiday attire!
– With trick-or-treaters coming to the door all evening, it’s a good idea to keep nervous pets confined to a room away from all the chaos. This is also a good idea for pets who might be tempted to dart out the door with all the added traffic.
– Sweet treats, like sugarless gum and chocolate can be toxic to our furry friends, so it is best to keep Halloween goodies out of your pet’s reach.
– Jack-o-lanterns, with their flickering candles, can be very tempting to some pets. Avoid the risk of burns by using LED candles, or ensure your pets don’t have access.
– Halloween decorations, such as fake spider webs and strings of lights can also pose serious threats to our pets. Ensure that any potentially dangerous items are kept away from curious paws and mouths!
– Finally, please ensure that your pet is wearing its ID tags, so if perchance Fluffy makes a run for it, your odds of getting them back home are greatly increased.
Here’s to a Purrrfectly Spooktacular Howl-oween!!!